Monday, August 1, 2011

Diary Ramadhan: Day 1

Ramadhan 1st, 1432H@2011,

Ahlan wasahlan Ya Ramadhan, wallahu akram. Alhamdulillah syukur Ya Allah kerana Engkau masih memberikan kesempatan buat hamba-Mu ini bertemu dengan bulan yang cukup mulia dan sangat dinanti-nantikan, terutama tahun ini :) Terima kasih Ya Allah di atas nikmat sihat tubuh badan, keluarga yang harmoni, akal yang waras dan kekuatan kudrat yang Engkau berikan. Permudahkanlah bagiku segala urusan Ya Allah, agar hamba-Mu ini menjadi insan yang lebih bertakwa, yang berbakti kepada orang tua dan sesama saudara. Insya allah.

This year, in early days of Ramadhan, I'm already waving a red flag. Highly and proudly !! Heehee its okay since then I can speeding and finishing my works for the critical part of intern's day which is doing data analysis and interpretation of results regarding my research project about H1N1. Working is like 24/7 now, since not more than 8 days left for internship and not more than 11 days left for preparation to perform the Umrah this coming Ramadhan 13th. 

Daytime was fully reserved for finishing the project, off to the office on 8.30am, sticking on the chair in the statistical lab like having an elephant glue stick to it, looking at the lappy with sleepy eyes during early morning, typing on the keyboard like having a serious chatting, lurking around at noon then sipping some gulp of water *hehe, listening to the recitation of Quran instead of K-pop like before and getting ready to go home at 4.25pm will be a routine for the time being. 

At night, its time for reading and reading and reading. Reading and reciting all kinds of doa in order to make it familiar with the tongue as every deeds have its own recitation even when we see a building in Mecca and Medina also, there's a doa for it. This is my routine at night for the past few months plus having a fight between my lust for getting on to bed early and desire to gain knowledge, for almost the time. Last but not least, I want to share this, Renungan Ramadhan, courtesy from Google. Happy Fasting people !!  ^__^