Sunday, February 20, 2011

BBQ, token Games & Ice rink

Deary heartist,

Pejam celik pejam celik... eh eh dah seminggu dah blog ni wujud... tapi disebabkan kesibukan diri yang dibuat-buat... ehehe... @kesibukan membuat assignments pada minit2 akhir :(  

This situation actually tak selalu berlaku jgk...kadang2 je :) Just to share and take a lesson from it..okey !! 
Dpt assignment, dlm klas, perasaan mmg excited nak buat, siap planning lagi mlm karang nk buat yg mane dulu then yg mane kemudian...... so bile dah balik umah, usually klas habis kol 6pm cuma hari rabu je awal skit, kol 4pm....balik2 kepenatan so rehat-rehat la dulu...tgk tv dulu..makan-makan dulu...pastu bile teringat je ade assignment, then bebel sorg2 jap lagi la....nanti la buat padahal mase kt klas tadi berkobar-kobar kot nak siapkn keje :( Sampai akhirnya lagho la dpn tv, tak pun pegi join housie tgk gameshow korean smbil tergelak2 ketawa tak hingat dunia.....oh NO !! How come lately i become like that :(( suka ikut bisikan makhluk halus yang satu tuu.....ala si syaiton tuuu :(( hope after this i would for my own sake....for a better me.  Dont follow2  like me yah !! 

Hey, you know what? Bagi org jepun, 'sibuk' di istilahkan sebagai tak buat keje. Maksudnye 'sibuk' disebabkan membuat keje yang other words keje yang dah ditangguh2...diorang kn kalo office hour sampai kol 5, before balik, mcm2 mane pun diorang akan habiskan jgk kerja tuk hari tu sampai siap...tiada istilah OT pun bagi is today, esok dah cite lain dah. Hmmm hebat kn diorang...sgt disiplin ! Kena jadik mcm org jepun jgk nih...even pipi tak gebu, kulit tak melepak, gaya tak berapa nak comel sgt....ahahaha yg penting berhati kental mcm mereka...oh yeah !!  ^__^

Oh ye, lets recall back what happen last week !

BBQ sgt2 sebab dah lame tak kumpul ramai2 ngan coursemates diploma dulu, even for the degree sume satu batch dpt kt s.alam tapi terpisah mengikut major kitorg ambil alternative utk wat reunion. Here is some of the sweetest piccas... :)

p/s: Thanks to prof khalil for join us and treat us after the BBQ :) Moga prof murah rezeki ye..amin.

@Sunway pyramid......nak pegi lagiii !!!! Nk main token games lagiii, nak  lawan dance-dance lagiii...ahaha seronok sgt2 pegi outing time nie. 

Part1: Token games. Mula2 nampak konami machine...agyeo2, menjerit excited rase nak nangis sbb gembira at last bole mainnn!!! ahaha...siriyes cam jakun....hikhikhik...first game failed, sebab tak tau cara nk main then kwn ajarkn so second trial.... dpt la grade E.....then main lagi main lagi...smpai last skali dpt grade B ahahaha...susah kot yg final stage tu sebab music laju sgt...hee..... that time gelak2 the moments so much :)) mcm2 games ade...for sure you will get entertain. Owh ye one token is Rm1 for one round of game :)

 see how happy we are >_<

Part2: Time for ice-skating !! Masing2 excited as it was our first time !! Hahaha....per entry is rm33/person with gloves tapi ni harga during CNY so agak mahal la....harga biasa rm25 je...besar kecik tua muda all in one rate only...then bole main ikut suka hati sampai la puas hati. Bile ingat2 balik...hahaha sakit perut ketawa sbb tringat aksi2 spontan gaya bebas mase the winner la bab2 gaya bebas ni...ahahaaha....brsakit2 dahulu bersenang2 kemudian la katakn :)) after the first one hour....alhmdulillah i can stand alone and im flying without wings !! >__< 

 we laugh, we play, we hold each other 

last but not least, loves my houssie...umiey, nad, me, k.joh n ijan

p/s: Lets be gentle to all and stern to yourself !! ;)